Monday, January 21, 2013

Minus 35 chill index in Minnesota! Which of these photo's reveal that fact?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Certain landscape pictures are only available this time of the year. The weatherman says that the other shoe will drop in 48 hours. Meanwhile the temperature remains above freezing. How are you prospering?

Monday, January 14, 2013

mid-January. It's that time of the year. Today's high temperature will be 10 F.  In Minnesota we get the bright sunshiny bitter cold. Last week's snowstorm missed us so that we just have a trace of new snow, a smattering upon the hard, icy stuff that was almost all eaten by rain in our January thaw.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blossoms in January? I'm sure this isn't as exciting to most people who live in more moderate climates. It is, however, something different and exciting for us who live in the land of ice and snow. Take a look for yourself.

Of course, this is indoors on the Tower Garden.

Friday, January 4, 2013

January. Time for nostalgia. Time for contemplation. The reality is that we forget the undesirable experiences and relive the pleasantries of the past. Here's a pleasant winter scene.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year. So we see how the "fiscal cliff", that was put there by the Democrats in the first place, has been moved for 60 days into the next Congress -- the problem not solved at all. The problem that is clearly out of control spending was "fixed" by $300 billion of new spending and new taxes on 77% of all taxpayers in order to raise the taxes on the "upper 2%". It is no wonder that people are disgusted with our dysfunctional federal government.  Everything has to be done in crisis mode, passed at the last minute; thousands of words of legislation that the legislators don't even have time to read.